The Life After project is a survey of beliefs about what people believe the world will look like after the COVID-19 pandemic ends. I created an interactive website to show the results of our analyses using R and Shiny.

The motivation:

COVID-19 is one of the largest pandemics of the century. It will have lasting effects on society around the globe. There has been a great deal of speculation about what those effects may be. But, there has yet to be an assessment of what individuals believe the effects will be. This study aims to create a picture of the world after the pandemic, from the perspectives of individuals across the globe. The survey collects anonymous information about socio-demographic and individual characteristics, and asks questions regarding your beliefs about the future behaviors of yourself and others.

This project was created as part of the Network Epidemiology workshop presented by the University of Maryland COMBINE program in collaboration with the University of Vermont Complex Systems Center. We had two weeks to design the study, collect responses, and analyze the data.

All in all, it was a fun project and I learned a lot about Shiny app development, making GIFs, and survey research in general. I am most grateful for the friendships I have developed out of this. Thanks Sam, José, and Rory!