
Project Summary: Bayes. Mediation. Lots of data. In this study I use data from the IMAGEN Study (initial n=2315) to determine if mental health and drug use in adulthood (~age 23) can be predicted by resilience in early adolescence (~age 14). Adolescents are classified into one of …

Exploring Mental Health Networks
Dec 28, 2021
This is a brief project where I look at mental health symptom networks in a large sample of youth from the ABCD Study for the course Principles of Complex Systems. I was largely inspired by the work being done by Denny Borsboom and company using network analysis to study mental …

Bayesian PCA
Dec 27, 2021
This is a project I worked on for my Bayesian Statistics course. My partner and I explored Bayesian Principal Component Analysis (BPCA) as an extension of PCA and PPCA on MNIST and an ecological dataset. I learned quite a bit about PCA in the process! The final report can be …

Character Space & TV Tropes
May 05, 2021
This is an exploratory project I worked on with another graduate student in Data Science II. We explore the space of personality in fictional characters using data from OpenPsychometrics. The bulk of the project was spent on probing and describing the space using dimensionality …

Spotify Top 100 Songs Analysis
Dec 19, 2020
I’ve been an avid Spotify user since my younger high-school gaming days (hipster flex), but Spotify only recently started releasing yearly music reviews that summarize the music you’ve listened to throughout that year. After seeing mine for 2020, I wondered how much my music …

Data Science I Final Project: TV Tropes
Dec 11, 2020
This is a project I worked on with another graduate student in Data Science I. We open-sourced the code here: TV Tropes Data Science I Project. The project involved web scraping a large chunk of webpages from TV Tropes, network analysis, and data science!

Life After: A #NET-COVID Survey of Beliefs
Apr 27, 2020
The Life After project is a survey of beliefs about what people believe the world will look like after the COVID-19 pandemic ends. I created an interactive website to show the results of our analyses using R and Shiny.

Prematurity, Mental Health, and Cognition
Jul 31, 2019
This is a project examining the effect of premature birth on mental health and neurocognition in a large sample of youth from the ABCD Study.

Intro to R Workshop
Jul 10, 2019
These are some slides for an introductory R and Tidyverse workshop I lead for undergraduates and graduate students working in our lab. We ran 4 workshops total:

This is the project I presented at the OHBM 2019 conference in Rome - “Differences in Cognition and BOLD Signal Related to Early Stages of Puberty”.

ABCD Data Dictionary
Jun 05, 2019
I built a searchable data dictionary and ABCD release notes all in one place, which addresses some of the navigational issues I had with NDA’s data dictionary.

ABCD Brain Analysis Tool
Jun 05, 2019
This is the abstract I submitted to OHBM 2020 for the ABCD Brain Analysis Tool. The GUI was built under the guidance of the great Bader Chaarani. We thought about naming it something punny after Bader - i.e. The ABCD BAD Tool - but we couldn’t think of anything appropriate for …

ABCD Database Builder
Jan 05, 2019
This is an app I built in Shiny to help ABCD Researchers download ABCD datasets (Unfortunately I can’t show the app due to confidentiality, but the source code is here.)