No longer can the tension be held - the line has already snapped. Ruled by avarice, self-concern and profit, we have neglected the consequences of our collective actions for far too long, and are now witnessing the global repercussions.

The signals were sent long ago. The animals continue to wonder where their kin have gone; the tallest trees and eldest trees watch as their siblings are amputated and felled alongside their once abundant home; the atmosphere endures as we demand of it to withstand even greater heights of human progress. But at what cost? That much is clear.

We can’t continue to mire ourselves even more deeply into the shadows of our own creation. We can’t continue riding high on the default setting of our minds, drifting along unaware, unconscious, asleep, ignorant, and blind while the rest of the world suffers.

The greatest product of four billion years of evolution needs help. It isn’t the trees, the animals, or the planet. It’s us. We need better stories to live by.

Chaos blooms like a cosmic wildfire. The place we call home is burning.