Although I think the start of a new year is arbitrary to say the least, it did prompt me to re-examine my values and the sort of life I want to create. In an effort to cultivate a more intentional and simple life, these are the things I want to be better at:

Daily meditation - This is the single practice and skill that has changed my life for the better. It has made me less emotionally reactive, more aware of my natural tendencies, and better attuned to the lives of others. But these are byproducts. The real reasons to meditate are to cultivate a better attention, to know how wild and crazy your mind actually is, to be okay with that, and to be alert to the fullness of life.

Minimalism - I try to be deliberate about the things I own, but when you’re settled in a place for awhile, things tend to accumulate, things you don’t need but acquire anyways.

Digital minimalism - I’m fairly sparse in my social media usage already, but I’ve noticed I tend to use it compulsively when I’m stressed or bored (Twitter). It’s more a coping mechanism rather than intentional usage, and I want to change that. Better to view and use these platforms as tools rather than escapist sinkholes. I think I’ve been good with my Instagram though. The content is mostly a collection of ideas, stories, and writing with the aim of promoting a more meaningful and fulfilling existence.

Knowing when enough is enough - I often joke that I’m the laziest ambitious person I know; I work hard on the things I care about, and do my best to prune out the things I don’t. Still, ambition is a double-edged sword that can leave a person in a miserable state of endless striving. I want to be better at slowing down, taking it easy, and having more fun in the process. Of course, this requires being clear about what one cares about, which is sometimes difficult to know when you’re always in the swing of things. The solution: take more walks. Use your PTO. Spend more time in solitude, away from external meaning-making systems. Reflect and refine.

And I want to write more. Cheers to enjoying the ride.